Administrative Services Bureau

Contact Information for Programs and Services

The Administrative Services Bureau (ASB) provides a variety of support resources to POST staff, the Commission, and POST participating agencies. ASB also provides information and oversight to ensure POST meets its legal obligations while fulfilling the needs of the agency and its clients. The State has a number of control agencies that serve as resources to all State agencies by providing statewide guidelines, laws, and rules for all. ASB maintains working relationships with each control agency to assure that POST is able to stay within legal frameworks while accomplishing its mission. ASB also serves as the primary telephone contact for POST and is the first point of contact for visitors in the front reception area.

ASB Programs and Services

Training Reimbursement Program

The Training Reimbursement Program, a subset of the Accounting Unit, processes electronic Training Reimbursement Requests submitted by law enforcement agencies participating in the POST Reimbursable Program. These agencies include local police and sheriff’s departments, district attorney’s offices, county marshal’s offices, and police or public safety departments within the California State University and University of California systems. POST certifies courses for presentation at locations throughout the State and reimburses participating local law enforcement agencies in the POST program for travel, lodging, meals, tuition, and backfill costs. This program is meant to encourage and assist local law enforcement agencies to meet and maintain minimum standards in the selection and training of law enforcement officers.

Questions about the Reimbursement Program may be directed to the Reimbursement Unit at (916) 227-3916. There are also Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which may be helpful.


POST prepares and processes about 250 contracts each year, totaling more than $21 million. A small number of these contracts are administrative ‘Support Contracts.’ The majority of these contracts are field operation ‘Training Contracts’ for law enforcement training, meetings, broadcast services, driver simulators, force options simulators, agency training and technology needs. The POST ‘Training Contracts’ are a special line item in the POST Budget.

Questions about the Contracts Program may be directed to the Contracts Unit at (916) 227-3924.

  • Accounting
  • Training Reimbursement
  • Budgeting
    • Procurement / Purchasing
    • Property Management
    • Telecommunications
  • Procurement/Purchasing
  • Telecommunications
  • Contracts
  • Mail
  • Reception
  • Safety