Training Managers

Are you a new training manager?

The training manager’s responsibilities may include oversight of department staff’s training compliance or the preparation and maintenance of course certifications.

POST Regional Consultants’ Role

POST’s Regional Consultants work directly with agencies and training managers by assisting with the course certification requests and processes, advising on training requirements, and conducting regular audits. Regional Consultants are available for contact by training managers should any questions arise.

Available Training for Training Managers

POST’s Training Administrators Course (TAC) provides training managers and course coordinators with training on the POST course certification process maintained in the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and the requirements for presentation. The course covers the entire certification process, relevant POST procedures and regulations. The course is presented by POST Regional Consultants who oversee most of POST’s certified training courses. Newly assigned training managers or administrators who will manage courses in EDI are encouraged to complete the Training Administrator's Course Request.

The Training Coordinator Course (TCC) is a two-day course intended for training staff who have responsibilities for coordinating department/agency training requirements, course certification, and presentations. This training provides students with detailed information on course certification including new course submittal, modifications of existing courses, presentation scheduling, roster entry, and the Resume Builder and Resume Manager. Also, familiarizes students with the POST website, relevant regulations; legislative training mandates; compliance audits; and resources including the Learning Portal and the POST Course Catalog. 

The Training Managers Course (TMC) is designed to provide law enforcement training managers with the knowledge, theories, skills, and insights essential to successfully carrying out the management of training within modern law enforcement organizations. The course will address the following: The Training Manager’s role, developing and implementing a training plan, POST – the organization and its service delivery system, POST compliance, legal issues associated with training, determining individual and organizational training needs, and training records management.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

EDI provides authorized users with access to process records within the POST database on behalf of their agency or as a course presenter.  Agencies have the ability to perform online transactions and reports related to appointment notices, training compliance, profiles, reimbursement, and SBSLI. The functions available to course presenters focus on course certification, along with course presentation and roster entry.

Course Certification

The Course Certification Program allows agencies and presenters to obtain Continuing Professional Training (CPT) credits for law enforcement personnel attending courses. The course certification process is defined and mandated by Regulation and is primarily accomplished by presenters working with POST personnel assigned to the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau. For more information contact your Regional Consultant

POST-Developed Expanded Course Outlines

The following Expanded Course Outline Exemplars are a tool for agencies wishing to certify their training through POST. The exemplars contain the minimum course content required and can be used as a guide for putting together your agency's expanded course outline. 

Learning Portal

The Learning Portal is a secure website for California peace officers, dispatchers, and law enforcement instructors. It provides 24/7 access to many of the products developed by Learning Technology Resource (LTR) Bureau including a variety of distance learning course topics, the Did You Know? informational video series, and other training resources.

Access is free to California law enforcement in the POST program. The courses are engaging and relevant on topics such as Domestic Violence Complaints, Strategic Communications, Courtroom Testimony, Gun Violence Restraining Orders, as well as dispatcher-focused courses. Many of the courses meet Legislative training mandates such as First Aid/CPR/AED, among others.

Some distance learning course completions are automatically posted on the student’s POST training profile for CPT credit.

Training Video Program

Post-developed video programs provide high-quality, in-service training to local law enforcement agencies in the POST program. Each topic-specific video is carefully designed to assist law enforcement training managers and instructors in meeting timely training needs and legislative mandates for their agency. The video-based trainings are used by agencies in the POST program to satisfy Continuing Professional Training (CPT) requirements at a fraction of the cost and staff time required for traditional classroom training.

Training videos are designed to be facilitated by the presenter in a classroom, briefing setting, or individual facilitation. Most training videos are eligible for 2 hours of CPT credit.

Training-Related Regulations

Minimum standards for training are specified in Commission Regulation 1005. This regulation covers basic, field training, supervisory, management, executive, Continued Professional Training, and Perishable Skills Training requirements. Additionally, Commission Regulation 1081 provides training managers and departments with an overview of standards mandated by the Legislature.

Important Bulletins

  • Bulletin 2025-05 (pdf) - Amendments to Commission Regulations Amend Commission Regulation 1005 – Approved – Effective April 1, 2025
    * Allows departments to address impacted individuals who are unable to complete CPT due to qualifying mitigating factors
  • Bulletin 2025-01 (pdf) - Amendments to Commission Regulations 1015, 1018, and Commission Procedure D-1-5 – Approved – Effective January 1, 2025
    *Provides needed updates to the POST Public Safety Dispatchers’ Basic Course
  • Bulletin 2024-41 (pdf) - Amendments to Commission Regulation 1001, 1070, 1082 – Approved –  Effective January 1, 2025
    *Adds an update training course requirement for instructors of the following specialized subjects: Arrest and Control, Defensive Tactics, Driver Awareness, Driver Training, Firearms, and Physical Training
  • Bulletin 2024-39 (pdf) - Public Safety Dispatcher: Critical Incidents - New POST Self-Paced Training Now Available 
  • Bulletin 2024-20 (pdf) - POST Learning Portal Courses to be Decertified Effective June 30, 2024
  • Bulletin 2024-14 (pdf) - Amendments to Commission Regulations 1052 and 1059, and POST Guidelines for Student Safety in Certified Courses
  • Bulletin 2024-03 (pdf) - Amend Professional Certificates for Public Safety Dispatchers and Records Supervisors
  • Bulletin 2024-02 (pdf) - POST Updates Introduction to POST EDI Video Tutorial
  • Bulletin 2023-68 (pdf) - POST Hate Crimes Model Policy Update
  • Bulletin 2019-40 (pdf) - Restructure of Reimbursement for POST Courses

 Training Requirements

POST has created quick reference documents to assist the field in locating Legislatively Mandated Training requirements for officers while employed with a law enforcement agency.

Legislatively Mandated

 LETMA Contacts